Jun 30, 2023
Hvad betyder selvkærlighed for dine relationer? Og hvordan kan du møde dig selv og andre forskelligt, afhængigt af om du kommer fra dit Ego eller din Essens? Hør, hvordan relationer kan være den vigtigste kilde til transformation og til at finde hjem til dit store autentiske smukke Selv.
Jun 16, 2023
Get to know your psyche well so you can navigate it and be
This time we look at type 5, 6 & 7 and the typical internal parts
that live in these Enneagramtypes.
The IFS (Internal family system) show us how we contain many different internal parts that once arose in an attempt to protect us. They can be...
Jun 2, 2023
The IFS (Internal family system) show us how we contain many different internal parts that once arose in an attempt to protect us. They can be contradictory, which is why we can experience conflict within. Perhaps, for example, you long to try something new in your life and a part of you believes in you, while another...